Monday, February 21, 2005

Holiday-ayy! Celebray-ayyt!

I love holidays. This is my second 3-day weekend in a row, thanks to Feb 11th's Lincoln's Birthday festivities (I still have confetti in my underwear from that one) and today's President's Day. When you work for a municipality, you get lotsa holidays. The next one is not until the end of March, when we take the day off to revere and remember Cesar Chavez. I'm pouting. We're headed toward the slim holiday time of the year- after CC Day, we plod through April and May until Memorial Day. Then nothing in June! Then 4th of July. Nothing in August! Then Labor Day. After Labor Day, we get back to our one or two holidays a month bonanza until March again. I really do think a 4-day work week (some people off on Mondays, some on Fridays) would improve everything about this crazy nation.

As a consolation for the lack of city holidays, we're also heading into the time of the year when there is less traffic during commute hours. It's sort of inexplicable, but during the spring and summer, I guess more people are taking vacations or changing their traffic routes because they're not dropping kids off at school first. After a summer of breezing to work, the first day of school (especially college) is a shocking wakeup call on our freeways. Did everyone forget how to exit and enter over the summer?

I've spent the week and weekend working on my application to become a Court Supervisor. They want the city application, a resume, a Statement of Qualifications, and a quasi-essay on each of six different aspects of the job, where you experienced each, and how much of a percentage your involvement in said aspect affected the outcome. Since I haven't been taking copious notes on my daily activities for the last 20 years of work history, I'm pretty much reaching into the recesses of my mind and peppering my memories with college-words to describe them. This is all just to APPLY for the job. If the reviewers deem you unqualified based on your application, you will not proceed in the interview process. Bear in mind, my friends, that I actually WORK WITH AND KNOW people who are supervisors and managers, and I can't believe some of them got promoted when they can't even spell. Frankly, I like my current assignment and large-ability-to-goof-off factor; so while my heart takes this process lightly, my competitive nature is kicking in- if I'm going to apply at all, it has to be the BEST application their pea-brains have ever seen!

I also finally got off my ass and prepared a picture and resume to send to ABC Television's Pilots and Casting Project- a rare opportunity to do so, through my membership in the Screen Actors Guild. I really need new headshots, but if they call me in to read for a 20-something part, maybe I can wow them into casting me as her older sister anyway! :-D

1 comment:

divinemissk said...

good luck with your application!