Thursday, January 13, 2005

C'mon, the first one's free!

This blogging thing is inexplicably addictive. I'm not saying anything that a fellow blogger reading this doesn't already know, but I feel like I'm making NEW FRIENDS with people who don't even know I exist. Which sort of sounds like I need a conservator and a psych evaluation, but I have several blogs I visit daily to see what new thing each exceptionally witty and entertaining girl has written about the minutae of her life. I'm a verbal and literate person, but BOY.. some people can really WRITE! It all started with Jennsylvania, and I don't even remember how I happened onto her blog (when it was, and from there I have found new sites from her links and their links and so on, and so on... Wish I had time to post whenever a thought worth sharing occurs to me. I had some good blog thoughts earlier this week but they've escaped me now! Grrr.

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