Saturday, December 18, 2004

Apropos of nothing..

My dog spent the whole day not eating.. wandering to her bowl, sniffing at the food that was so lovingly prepared for her, and wandering back to lie down somewhere. Finally at 9:30pm I guessed that she no longer wanted this 'old' food.. this from the dog who will stick her nose and tongue into any dark, unidentifiable mung outside, or cheerfully eat random cat poop we find along our walks. I threw out all the old food, which also included her expensive Rimadyl and Arthogen pills, and prepared a new bowl. She's happily chomping and smacking her way to the bottom.

She also destroyed a THREE DAY OLD Christmas toy I bought at Petco on Wednesday. It was the cutest moose (why are all the 'reindeer' really moose?) with webbed nylon rings for tugging on either end of his head, and he made a weird gurgling sound when shaken. We were playing tug and RIIIIIIP the nose came off in her mouth. Then I had to chase her around the house to get the nose back, full of stuffing, so I could throw the whole damn thing away.

In other news, yesterday I went to Rong-Aid (that's a Rite-Aid that has gone way downhill) and bought an aromatherapy thing that goes around your neck like an airplane 'travel pillow' after you heat it up in the microwave. It's got a removeable, washable cover and it came with a CD of birds chirping. (!!) I thought surely there would be some relaxing, synthesized music to go with the birds, but no, it's just 73 minutes of chirps. And an occasional woodpecker, which I at first mistook for a hunter. (I thought maybe someone in the environmental sounds factory had a sick sense of humor. Which I could totally appreciate, but no, it was just MY sick sense of humor). I think if my job was to put relaxing environmental sounds on CD 8 hours a day, I really would throw in random sound bytes of car crashes, 911 calls, hostage situations, and gunshots just to spice things up for my eventual consumer. Cuz irony's funny.

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